Natural Fly Killer Spray Recipe

Nobody likes flies in his home. They are annoying pests that apart from being irritating are dangerous for health also. Flies transmit many diseases like cholera, dysentery and viral fever. They contaminate the food by regularly moving between the food and filth. Today in this post, I am going to share the natural fly killer recipe that works against most of the fly species of flies.

The best part about this natural fly repellent spray is that these sprays are all natural and can be easily made with that ingredients present in the homes. So let’s have a look at how to make these sprays:

Natural Fly Killer Spray Recipe with Vinegar:

The first homemade fly repellent we are going to create is made with vinegar as its main ingredient. This spray works wonderfully well to eliminate flies because its main ingredient is acetic acid. Acetic acid is a substance that, when sprayed on insects, makes the movements of the insects slower and kills them within few hours.

Natural Fly Killer Spray Recipe
Natural Fly Killer Spray Recipe

So to make this spray you would need following items:

  • A spray bottle
  • 10 drops white vinegar
  • 10 drops of laundry detergent
  • 1 cinnamon stick

To make this homemade fly spray you have to mix all the ingredients in the spray bottle. After this shake the mixture very well to mix all the components. Now your anti fly spray is ready, spray it on a fly when you see a fly, spray it with this liquid. You will see, because of the effect of acetic acid, the insects end up falling on the ground without being able to fly.

Note: Please avoid spraying this spray on or near the furniture in your home as it could spoil or discolour it. It is best to be sprayed directly on the flies preferably outdoors.

Fly Killer Spray Recipe with Natural Essential Oils:

The next fly repellent that we are going to talk about, also works as an air freshener and brings a heavenly fragrance to your home. It is a known fact that the scent of some plants keeps flies away; therefore, we will take advantage of these natural aromas to create an air freshener that will also keep flies away from your home.

For this we may need following items:

  • 1 small bottle of glass or plastic but with a lid
  • A gauze or sponge that can absorb the aromatic essential oils
  • 20 drops of lavender, eucalyptus, mint or citronella essential oils

To make this repellent, pour into the jar the sponge or gauze soaked with a little water and a few drops of essential oils. When you do, close the lid of the container and let it sit for 1 day.

The next day, uncover the jar and you will see the flies getting repelled by its fragrance. You can close the lid and use the air freshener until you feel that the aroma is gone, and then you can repeat the procedure again.

Lavender, Mint, Eucalyptus or Citronella

Planting herbs like Lavender, Mint, Eucalyptus or Citronella:

In addition to these homemade repellents, there are other natural remedies to eliminate flies such as putting some aromatic plants in your balcony; terrace or garden can cause the flies to stay away from your home. The aromatic herbs that repel most flies are: lavender, mint, eucalyptus or citronella.

You can plant these herbs near the infested areas and gradually you will notice a decrease in the fly growth.

Foods with Vitamin B6:

As per the latest scientific study flies hate the presence of Vitamin B6 like compounds. You can incorporate foods with vitamin B6 into your diet. This nutrient produces a natural odour that is transferred to your sweat and serves as a natural repellent for flies. You can find large amounts of this Vitamin B6 in products such as egg yolks, dairy products, yeasts, nuts, and so on.

Borax Water as fly repellent:

Borax is a naturally existing insect repellent; in concentrations below 5 % it serves as an insect repellent however above the 5% level it acts as an insecticide. To make a borax natural fly killer spray recipe take a spray bottle and fill it with ½ liter or warm water, next add 1 teaspoon of borax powder. Shake the mixture well and spray it in the fly infested areas.

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